Audit & Assurance
In accordance with the law of Hong Kong, a Hong Kong limited company should appoint certified public accountants to conduct audit on its annual financial statement and submit the profits tax return with the audited financial statements for the tax assessment purpose.
Besides filing tax returns, audited financial statements will also be used for financing and representing the actual situation of the company to shareholders or investors.
Our services
- Statutory audit
- Internal audit
- Special audits and report
The Inland Revenue Ordinance requires that a limited company incorporated in Hong Kong has to submit its profit tax returns together with its audited financial statements.
In addition, according to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance sections Part 9 , a limited company should prepare its audited financial statements and lay before its annual general meeting. Therefore, a newly incorporated limited company should prepare its first audited financial statements within 18 months since its incorporation.
Internal auditing is an independent, and objective assurance and consultancy activity that adds value and improve an organization’s operation. It assists the company to accomplish its objectives by bringing in systematic and disciplined approaches for improving the effectiveness of the risk management, control, and governance processes.
Other than the annual statutory audits, we also provide special audit services on financial statements of a company, including M&A, IPO, investigation on suspected management misconduct, and audit on the company’s operation and management performance.